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Vocations to the Priesthood

Discerning a vocation to the priesthood?

Here are some steps to help guide you…


1. Prayer: Spend time daily in quiet prayer, especially in the presence of the Blessed Sacrament. Also pray the Rosary, read the Scriptures, especially the Gospels.


2. Sacraments: Frequent reception of the sacraments of Holy Confession and Holy Communion keep us in close union with the Lord and His Will for our lives.


3. Counsel: Seek counsel from people you trust (your parents, a priest). Get spiritual direction from someone trained to do so.


4. Silence: Take time to be alone with God, away from all of the distractions of the world.


5. Contact: Make contact with us and visit us. Plan a visit to a ministry of one of our priests. Help us to get to know you and you to get to know us.


6. Trust: Above all, trust that doing the will of God will bring joy and peace in your life. 


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